Tariff changes as from 02.10.23

Our tariffs on CSV4YOU will be adjusted from 2 October 2023.

Like many other companies, we can no longer avoid the topic of price increases on CSV4YOU. The last adjustment of our tariffs was about 5 years ago. Since then, a lot has happened on CSV4YOU: new interfaces, new functions, optimisations, improvements in the service area, server change to a more powerful system and much more. In contrast, however, costs have unfortunately also risen for us, especially in the last three years. We will spare ourselves a long list at this point.

The following are the new tariffs (incl. VAT) as of 02.10.23:

Starter 29,90 EUR
Advanced 39,90 EUR
Business 59,90 EUR
Premium 89,90 EUR

These prices apply to all customers, with existing customers having the option to extend for up to 3 months at the old prices until 01.10.23. If you have any questions about the changes, please feel free to contact us via the ticket service or our contact form.