The Main Functions and Services at a Glance
If you have only a little experience with the import and export of product data, the use of parents and variants, or with the setting-up templates and cron jobs, one or the other function may appear somewhat incomprehensible to you at the beginning. Let's not be put off! Please read our help texts or ask your question(s) in the forum. We try to help you in any way.
DATAPOOL Area - file import, import templates, cronjobs for imports, data managemnet for eBay / Amazon
- Import records from different file formats: CSV, XML, TXT and XLS
- Ability to setup multiple data pools, e.g. for different vendor data
- Management of products, variant items, categories - use of own data fields
- Update function for already imported product data and categories
- Compareing and converting of different files or file formats
- Managing and updating of your eBay listings, including eBay variant products
- setting up cron jobs for scheduled, automated imports and exports
- release of product catalogs and data for other users on request
INTERFACES Area - file export settings for interfaces, product templates, cronjobs
- Setting up individual CSV and XML interfaces with user-definable header-, content- and footer area
- Using of already pre-formatted interfaces for shop systems, sales portals, auction web sites
- Export your product data in almost any desired file format
- Individual configuration options for currency, prices, stock amount, VAT., Add-on to Part No.s and more
- Advanced options for formatting and calculation of data cells (eg IF / ELSE queries)
- Creation of as many categories and category assignments as you need
- Flexible options for filter settings; i.e. prices, inventory or to pre-select only certain record
- Setup of cron jobs for automated updates of export files at certain times of the day
- Managing of listing template(s) (i.e. for product presentations on eBay)
- Use of all interfaces in different languages
Services that cost money
If you have special needs or require that we perform services for you,
then please, use our Contact Form for your request.
We will be happy to make you a free, individual offer.