What should I watch out for when importing CSV files?
1. Each record in your CSV file should be assigned a unique ID number, if possible, without spaces or special characters.
2. Test at the beginning the import and export of CSV files with just a few records! This saves time and other resources on all sides.
3. If you have little or no experience using CSV files, we recommend you to store text-based CSV files afterwards not with MS-Excel. This can lead to unwanted formatting changes, which often lead to errors during data importing.
4. Each header in a CSV file should use unique column identifiers without spaces and special characters.
Example: Instead of the column name 'Verfügbarer Bestand' better use 'Verfuegbarer_Bestand'.
5. Our system can import Excel files. However, these data sheets must not contain any macros or other complicated formattings or calculations.
6. As a default encoding for any CSV file, we recommend UTF-8.