The DATA POOL contains all product data; specifications, internal categories, import templates, etc...
You can import your data in any file format from your PC or via URL from a webserver into a database on Alternatively, you can create data records individually.
You could import and manage several, separate data pools, e.g. to combine the data from different suppliers into one feed file.
Data import and updates can be automatized via cronjobs.
The propper formating of your data into the desired feed file format happens later in the INTERFACE area.
All uploaded data records are NOT public; they are only available to you. On request we can unlock your data pool and make it public (Affiliates).
Base settings (base settings)
[ General ]
Here it is displayed, if your DATAPOOL is available for other users or not. Please choose your prefered settings.
[ Data sources ]
Data sources - settings
In any account at least one data source is enabled by default. Other data sources, you can create or delete (if not active) here. Label your data sources clearly and then select the data source that you want to edit from the drop down menu at the top. Imagine a data source as the range of products from your supplier that you can import, edit, save, and export as a CSV file here. For each data source in turn, different CSV interfaces and cron jobs can be set up and managed. i.E.:
++ Datasource 1: Car Parts [ Additional Data Fields ]
++ Datasource 2: Jewelry [ Additional Data Fields ]
++ Datasource 3: Office Furniture [ Additional Data Fields ]
A single datasource can also have several (internal) Categories, i.E.:
++ Datasource 1: Sport Items with the categories: Adidas, Puma, Nike
When you setup your Interface (i.E. Gambio) you can define 3 export file templates, which you match to one internal category Adidas, Puma bzw. Nike. This way you can import and manage several external data files (e.g. from suppliers) in one datasource. Which method you prefer is entirely up to you. The number of possible datasources is limited to 10.
[ Language Sub-Sets ] - Here you can customize the designator(s) of tabs. i.E.: You could change the tab Language 2 in the DATAPOOL (Products) to eBay-Title. This functionality gives you a better manageability and is for clarity only.
[ Additional Data Fields ] - Custom master record fields can be defined here. You can match them later via an import template the same way as the standard master record fields with your CSV-file columns. When you later on export your data (Custom Interfaces) these fields are available!
[ Supplier data ]
We call this area 'Supplier data', because you can make your data - on request - available to other users of You can use this functionality if you are a manufacturer or wholesaler and want to gain new customers who can instantly use your data. Offering Dropshipping to your (new) customers is then a viable and easy to manage scenario.
Company, Name und Contact Person
Enter your company name, your name and the contact person here. This information is visible for everybody when you make your data publicly available.Company's Address
The address of your company.Contact
Telefon, Telefax, email address, Web addressAdditional Information (Company and Products)
Here you can offer additional information about your company as well as the services and products you offer. These infomation will be visible in the Interfaces area as well as on the Supplier/Seller page for other users.
[ FTP data ]
Enter here (if existing and necessary) your FTP credentials.
All data can then be imported automatically at specific times via cron jobs from your server into our system or updated.
Attention! For security reasons create a separate FTP-user with limited rigths
for on your server. This user should only have access to the sub-folder you want to
use to transfer your CSV-files from our system. Do not give this user administrative rights for folders outside
- especially obove - the one you plan to use with our system!
Name - MyFTPServer
FTP-server -
Folder - /html/MyCSVfiles/
FTP-username - UsernameCsv4you
FTP-password - passwordCsv4you
[ Miscellaneous ]
You can add eBay data to the master records of your products in a DATAPOOL. That way you can easily match your products with eBay item specifics or to syncronize eBay listings with your product data (inventory, price, ...). For these actions you need an eBay token for the eBay marketplace you are listing on. Creating such token is quite simple. Just click the button. YOu will be transfered to a secure eBay page where you can generate a token for .
More information can be found on the developer site from eBay which you can find here:
Products (data records)
On the 'Products' page each record of your products, articles etc. will be displayed. Each record can be edited or deleted individually. Just click on the appropriate name. In addition, more content such as 'Price' and 'Inventory' can be changed here.
[ Products ]
Categories - Here you can make a pre-selection
for the search in your Datapool. Thus, you can search for records in certain categories only,
in order to then edit them specifically. The targeted selection of records that are not
assigned to any internal category is possible ('Products without Category').
These can then be selected and assigned to the desired categories. Assigning records to
internal categories is an important precondition for your export file later to contain
products for the right shop categories!
Search - Enter a search term.
Search Terms and Functions:
New = All new Items
Untitled = Items without Title
Text in square brackets [Search Term]: searches for an exact match of "Search Term"
Own DATAPOOL item 1 to (n) of ...
There are 3 ways to filter the list of items:
[ All Products ] [ Products with inventory ] [ Products without inventory ]
After records have been imported or created, you see a list here. To edit a single record, either click on the 'ID', the 'Name' or use the button [ Actions ] of the product. You save your changes using the button [ List Save ] on the bottom of the page. There you will also see the buttons [ Create New Record ] and [ Backup ] (save your records). The backup function in the Datapool is intended for occasional backups. The here created backup file is NOT suitable for importing into other systems! The creation of API feed files or CSV files for imports into other systems must take place in the Interfaces area.[ Delete ALL Products ... ]
You will be redirected to a new page with an additional confirmation prompt for the deletion. When you confirm this action, all records are deleted within the active Datapool.
Do you want to delete certain items only, select the respective records (check box on the left) and click [Delete].Settings of a single Data Record
Once you have selected a record ...
Divided into different sections (tabs), you will see all the available data fields of a record (a product) whose values you can adjust:
[ General ] ID, Parent ID, EAN / GTIN, ISBN, Inventory, Packaging unit, Price, Old price, MSRP, Purchase price, Base price, Base price unit, Base price content, VAT, Weight, Size, Length, Width, Height, Manufacturer ID , Manufacturer product No., external URL for product, date, Info text (free fields), Cross-data and others
If you are missing certain data fields or columns, you can add them via Additional Data Fields Edit in Datapool ->Base Settings ->Data Sources -> [ Actions ] later (for each data source in a Datapool). All content can of course be optimally read/modified via the import function.
[ Master data ] Name, Keywords, Description - name or title, keywords, descriptions, main properties
[ Category ] Internal Category - If you have created internal categories during data import via Datapool ->Data Import, you can now assign your product to one of these. You can select the most appropriate from the drop-down list. At Export ->Category Mapping you can match these internal categories to your export file (shop) categories. Internal categories should be created or imported any time you plan to aggregate data from several different suppliers into one file or feed via the same export interface.
External Category 1-5 - These fields show the so called external categories to which a product belongs and which are entered during the import of CSV-files with existing category assignments via Datapool ->Data Import. This way you can store several thousand products - in a very short time and with the appropriate category assignment already in place - in your Datapool. In this case it is no longer necessary to create internal categories and assign them to the products in the data pool individually.
Tip: External categories are only necessary if you have to import many records from one big CSV-File, and then convert them at Export ->Export profiles into another CSV-File format.
[ Images ] - Picture Name(s) or URL(s) for images 1-9
[ Language 2, 3, 4 ] - Translation Fields (Name, Keywords, Description, ...)
[ extern ] eBay: ID - As soon as an item is listed on an eBay marketplace the correspondent item-Id can be found at the entry for the particular marketplace. A green button means there is data available, a grey button there is not. Additionally, item specifics for a single item can be selected here. It is easier (and the preferred method) to assign item specifics to a category via Datapool ->Internal Categories. Item IDs will be written here during the upload or update process via the eBay API. For the eBay API to be functional, a valid eBay token is necessary. You can store your eBay token(s) for a marketplace at Datapool ->Base Settings ->Other.
[ Variants ]
Variants are similar items that share some specifics (parent),
but differ in others (childs). There are 2 options, to map variants to the
corresponding Parent IDs. Which way you prefer depends on your approach, your CSV file
as well as the platform on which your records are to be used later.
Please use our import feature if you want to create a greater number of parent
or variant items.
You may use our forum if you have questions about the management of variants with
'saved' and 'temporary' Parent IDs.
Search - Enter a search term.
[ Save Variants ]
+++ START German/English translation needed ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Parent-IDs lassen sich als eigenständige Datensätze im Datenpool speichern: Button [ Create a new parent ]. Solchen Parent-IDs können Sie dann beliebige Produkte als Variantenartikel zuordnen.
Beispiel Parent-ID als Datensatz:
Parent-ID anlegen: P12345
Produkte als Varianten definieren: 12345-weiss, 12345-rot, 12345-schwarz, 12345-blau
In diesen 4 Produkten tragen Sie im Feld Parent-ID die Nummer P12345 ein. Jetzt sind 4 Produkte aus dem Datenpool als Varianten des Produkts P12345 gespeichert. Es gibt damit einen Hauptartikel (Parent) und 4 untergeordnete Variantenartikel.
Parentartikel können auch über die Importfunktion im Datenpool neu angelegt werden.[ Group-IDs ]
Parent-IDs werden nicht als eigenständige Datensätze gespeichert. Im Datenpool wird in den Produkten (Variantenartikeln) lediglich eine virtuelle Parent-ID hinterlegt.
Optional lassen sich virtuelle Parent-IDs in fest angelegte, eigenständige Parent-Datensätze umwandeln. Klicken Sie dazu auf die Schaltfäche [ Create Parent(s) NOW ]. Parent-IDs können Sie jederzeit wieder löschen. Dabei werden dann übrigens keine Produktdatensätze, sondern nur Parentnummern entfernt.
Beispiel virtuelle Parent-ID:
Produkte als Varianten definieren: 12345-weiss, 12345-rot, 12345-schwarz, 12345-blau
In den 4 Datensätzen tragen Sie im Feld Parent-ID die Nummer P12345 ein. Ein zusätzlicher Produktdatensatz mit der Nummer P12345 wird im Datenpool jedoch nicht gespeichert - daher 'virtuelle' Parent-ID. Somit existieren nun 4 Variantenartikel - jedoch kein Hauptartikel P12345.
[ Amazon Listings ]
Der Reiter [ Amazon Listings ] ist nur sichtbar, wenn
1. der Amazon Merchant Web Service eingerichtet ist
(siehe Grundeinstellungen), oder
2. mindestens einer Ihrer Datensätze im Datenpool eine Amazon-SKU enthält.
Amazon Land - Wählen Sie das Land für Ihre Amazon-Produkte aus,
die Sie bearbeiten möchten.
Search - Geben Sie einen Suchbegriff ein.
Amazon Angebote (Listings)
Es sind verschiedene Listing bzw. Anzeigen Ihrer Amazon-Produkte wählbar:
[ Aktive Angebote ] [ Nicht aktive Angebote ] [ Fullfillment ] [ Fehlerhafte Angebote ]
Wichtig: Es werden nur Artikelnummern angezeigt, bei denen im Datenpool eine Amazon-SKU als Artikelnummer gespeichert ist!
Bitte arbeiten Sie im Bereich [ Amazon Listings ] sehr aufmerksam und kontrollieren Sie nachträglich immer alle Aktionen in Ihrem Amazon-Account!
Testen Sie die Abläufe zwischen und Amazon am Anfang immer erst mit einigen wenigen Datensätzen. So können bei evtl. auftretenden Fehlern unnötige Kosten vermieden werden.
[ Actions ]Über die Schaltfläche [ Actions ] können die Produkteigenschaften einzelner Artikel im Datenpool bearbeitet werden.
Über den Link 'Amazon synchronize Data' lassen sich zusätzlich die Werte für Bestand und Preis direkt bei Amazon ändern und mit Ihrem Datenpool synchronisieren. Es öffnet sich dazu ein neues Fenster.- [ Get Amazon Data ] - Aktuelle Daten dieses Artikels werden von Amazon eingelesen und in den Datenpool übertragen.
- [ Write data in amazon ] - Übertragen der neuen
Werte für Bestand und/oder Preis zu Amazon (Bestand muss größer 0 sein!).
Beispiel: Sie ändern den Bestand eines Produkts von 10 auf 5. Der neue Bestand wird bei Amazon übernommen (Upload).
+++ END German/English translation needed ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[ eBay Listings ]
The Tab [ eBay Listings ] is visible only, if
1. an eBay-Token exists
(Datapool ->Base Settings ->Other),
2. at least one of the records in your Datapool contains an eBay-ID
(Datapool ->Products ->Extern).
Work very attentive with the Products at eBay and always check all actions
subsequently in your eBay account!
Important on eBay: Test the workflow between
and eBay at the beginning always with only a few records. So when any errors occur,
unnecessary costs at eBay can be avoided.
New Listings at eBay - It only works at Interfaces
(either eBay csv-uploader or API)
Delete Listings at eBay - Needs to be done directly in your respective
eBay account
Manage Active/Planed Listings at eBay - here in
is only possible, if the respective product ID in the Datapool is stored as Custom Label
in the listing at eBay! When you have listed your items via any eBay interface here
at, your product-IDs are automatically written into the
Custom Label field at eBay. This way you can update your listings at eBay
directly from the products pages at Datapool ->Products (eBay).
eBay Marketplace Country - Select the marketplace country you wish to work on.
Search - Enter an eBay or Product ID.
eBay Angebote (Listings)
You will always see the search results for the active tab:
[ Active Listings ] [ Planned Listings ] [ Erroneous Listings ]
Important: This search looks in the Datapool for items with an eBay ID and presents results for these items only!
Before you make any changes, please refresh the data of your listings by clicking on the button [ Get eBay Data ]!
Parent IDs in Red indicate incomplete attributes/options for this item in the Datapool (no Datapool item, missing category assignments, no category/item attributes, ...).
[ Get eBay Data ] - Your eBay-Data (active, ended and planned listings) will be updated with the appropriate numbers (eBay-ID, inventory und price).
Ended listings will be deleted from display!
[ Listings end/edit ] - mark 10 records on the appropriate tab:
Tab Active Listings - selected listings will be ended at eBay.
[ Actions ]
Tab Planned Listings - selected listings will be ended at eBay.
Tab Erroneous Listings - synchronize Inventory for all selected listings from Datapool to eBay.= Angebot planned
= Angebot activ
Via the gray button [ Actions ], you can edit individual product records of your Datapool, such as product features or characteristics.
Important: These changes have to be transferred (yet) via file upload!
Via the link 'synchronize eBay data' the values of inventory and price can be changed directly and synchronized between eBay and your Datapool. It will open a new window, where you can perform the following actions depending on the color of the traffic light icon:- [ Get eBay Data ] - Current data of this article will be read from eBay and transmitted into the data pool.
- [ Change data on eBay ] - Transfer of the new values
for inventory and/or price to eBay (inventory must be greater than Zero). i.e.:
The inventory in your Datapool for a certain product has changed from 10 to 5. The new inventory of 5 gets transferred to eBay. - [ End Listing ] - The listing will be transferred on eBay from Active Listings to Ended Listings. The listing is not visible anymore for customers.
Internal Categories (internal categories)
Here your internal categories in the data pool (incl. their level structure) are listed. You can export and edit already existing categories, import or create new categories and subcategories.
internal categories
This table shows the categories in the data pool , to wich your products are assigned 'internal'. These categories are created in the data pool during the import of records (or manually). You can also see here, whether special assignments to marketplace categories such as for eBay or Amazon exist. By clicking on the respective Country code these assignement can be further edited.
Internal categories can be automatically created during an import into the DATAPOOL or via the button [ Sychronize product category ].
Important: In the DATAPOOL, under Data Pool ->Import Templates ->Import Options check the option "Use and match categories from import file".
If there are no categories included in your import file, our system assigns new category IDs. These internal categories are used later on in INTERFACES to match the product data to the categories of your CSV- or XML-interface.
To edit an internal category, simply click on it's name. A new page opens, where you can edit the settings and external assingmnets for this category.
When you have clicked on a category name...
[ Settings ] Category-ID, Parent-ID, Name, Language - Change the settings for this internal category here.
[ extern ] Categories at eBay resp. Amazon - Click on [ Search ] to select the most appropriate eBay or Amazon categorie ID. The button [ Accept id ] transfers the category-ID from eBay or Amazon and copies it into the text field.
With a click on the green button [ Item Attributes ] you now assign the neccessary item attributes to all items in this particular category.
Save your settings!
Button [ Delete ALL internal categories ... ]
Before you delete all the categories in the data pool, you should be sure call [ Export ]. When you try to delete all categories, you will be redirected to a new page with an additional confirmation message for the action. Only when you confirm the action there, ALL the (internal) categories within the active data pool will be deleted.
After the deletion, you can create the internal product categories again during the import or remap your records in the data pool.
Important: Product data is not deleted when you delete categories! However, the assignement of product data to the deleted categories is removed.
Data Import (data import)
Our import interface gives you the ability to import as many CSV-records as master data into the data pool or to update already imported records. Your CSV files can be read in from your local machine, from an HTTP address or from a FTP server. To read in data via FTP, you must give the necessary information at Datapool ->Base Settings ->DTP Data. To simplify subsequent imports, all settings from this import can be saved as individual import template.
Data File Import
Select a file and - if already existing - an appropriate template. (Import)-templates allow the pre-assignment of column-field matching between your import file and the datapool Master Records for different import files. Then you don't have to setup the various options everytime you want to import a file for update purposes. That way, the import of data can be easily repeated. Should you change column-field matchings or other options during an import, the used template will be changed (overwritten) also.
The system accepts CSV-, TXT- and Excel-files. To import XML-files, the box for 'XML-Files' must be checked. XML-files will be converted to a 'Tab Stop' separated CSV-file during the import and then further processed as such.
After a file has been successfully uploaded a new window opens...File has been uploaded
Here you can now select options for the file import. Depending on the file type, these options may vary. The name of the file and the amount of records contained therein, will also be shown here.
General Setup
File type (Content) - Select the type of data in the file you want to import:
Category: Import of Categories
Product: Import of complete records
Inventory: Import/Update of inventory data
Column matching template - Please note, a template should match the file to import.CSV-Setup
Separator - Select the column separator
Text Qualifier - Select the text qualifier (if used)
Headers in Row - Which row contains the column headers? (That's not always the first row)XML settings
XML-element with product data - The XML-elemet which contains the data for a record should be selected here.
Variants - Are there additional item variants, assign the appropriate XML-field here.
[ Assign master data ]
Assign your columns to the master data
Column name in database - All available fields for the Master Record are listed.
Columns of file - Here you see the column names of your just imported file. Match the column names with the Master Record field names. Important: Possibly existing spaces in the values of the ID column from your file will be converted automatically into underscores (_).
Advanced Options - Here you can define a value of a field for all Master Records, i.E. Field 'Condition'= Value 'NEW'.
Additionally, you can merge the values from several columns of your import file into one value for a Master Record field. To do this, put the column names in square brackets.
Example: [title] - [EAN]
If you have setup individual Master Record fields, they too should show up as matching targets.
[ Language 2 ] [ Language 3 ] [ Language 4 ]
Column matching for 2./3./4. data sub sets (language)
If your import file contains several columns for the same value, you can match them to specific data sub sets (i.E. language1, language2 or ebay_title, amazon_title). Additional fiels on request.
[ Import options ]
Select import options
Data sets even without an own ID - Contains your import file records without any or without unique IDs, please, mark this option. Records without ID cannot be imported! Records with duplicate IDs will update (overwrite) each other.
Remove formatting from the text! - All HTML-code will be removed before importing data.
If UPDATE: Ignore missing columns! - If you want to update only certain 'fields' of your Datapool, this option should be enabled. Then create an import file with only the relevant columns that you need to update your DATAPOOL.
Your Datapool contains 20 fields with different values, but you only want to update the field TITLE and EAN, e.g. because you have changed some product title, the EAN is your ID and the records need to be updated now. Then highlight the option here and import a file with only the columns EAN and TITLE. EAN numbers are required because they are the unique ID, so that a correct assignment of the changed titles to your data records can be done.
Use categories from import file - - If your import file contains product categories, these can be adopted as internal categories into the data pool.
Import Template Save as: - You can save your import setup as a template. Use a meaningfull title, i.E. 'IMPORT-Vorlage XTCommerce' (if you leave it empty the standard default will be used). That way you don't have to setup the import any time you reimport your data. Simply select the appropriate template. You can also change options and resave the template.
Important: In order to automate the data import via cronjob, an import template must be utilized!
Import Templates (import templates)
This page stores your already created import templates from the Data Import as well as
the Convert section. New import templates can be created when importing or converting files.
You can edit existing import templates later. Please do not forget to save when you edit
an import template.
During an import modified field mappings are automatically adopted to the respective import template!
[ General ]
Template Name - Enter your import template name (user-selectable)
Separator - Set the Column separator
Text Qualifier - Enter the text qualifier (if used)
Headers in Row - Specify the line number of the Header Row (this is not necessarily the 1st row)
XML settings*
XML-element with product data - XML element that contains the product data
Variants - Are there additional variant products, please assign the appropriate XML field.
* This option is only visible when the template has been created for a XML file!
[ Columns Assignment ]
Columns Assignment
Here you can see the column mapping of your import template. The number of columns depends on the type of file for which your import template has been set up: category, product or inventory. In order to keep track of your import templates, please enter a descriptive name for each template, such as 'Inventory_ImportShoes' or 'Products_ImportJewelry' and delete unnecessary documents if necessary.
Column name in database - All available data field names of the DataBase are listed here
Import File Column Name - Here you can enter the column name(s) from your import file which should be assigned to the corresponding DataBase field(s). The contents of each column of your import file are then automatically assigned to the corresponding column of the DataBase in later import or convert operations.
Important: In column names you MUST not use spaces, special characters or umlauts!
Advanced Options - If all records of a certain column should get a fixed value (eg status = 'NEW' or amount = '1'), enter this value here. Please leave the corresponding field in Import File Column Name in such cases empty.
Advanced Field Codes
For individual formatting and/or calculation of the contents of individual fields in your Datapool you have several possibilities available. To learn how to do this, look at our help page for the Advanced Field Codes.
[ Import options ]
Select import options
File Type Product:
Data sets even without an own ID - If your import file contains records without unique ID, please select this option. By default, only records with unique ID will be imported.
Remove formatting from the text! - All formatting (e.g. HTML tags) will be removed when importing the data.
If UPDATE: Ignore missing columns! - If you want to update only certain 'fields' of your Datapool, this option should be enabled. Then create an import file with only the relevant columns that you need to update your DATAPOOL.
Your Datapool contains 20 fields with different values, but you only want to update the field TITLE and EAN, e.g. because you have changed some product title, the EAN is your ID and the records need to be updated now. Then highlight the option here and import a file with only the columns EAN and TITLE. EAN numbers are required because they are the unique ID, so that a correct assignment of the changed titles to your data records can be done.
Use categories from import file - - If your import file contains product categories, these can be adopted as internal categories into the data pool.
File Type Inventory:
Set all stock levels to "0" before import - When checked, all stocks are deleted from the data pool and reset to 0 before importing.
Cronjobs (cronjobs import)
Here you have the opportunity to import different data feeds daily and automatically
at certain times into your data pool (eg due to inventory changes at the manufacturer).
The following data types can be imported currently via cronjob: products,
inventory and categories.
Important: The creation of a corresponding import template
is a mandatory requirement for the correct set-up of import-cronjobs!
Cronjob (Import)
Cronjob Name - Give this cronjob a meaningful name
File type - Product, Inventory or Category
Url/Ftp Import File - Please, enter the URL to your import file OR the file name and FTP server that you have setup under Datapool ->Base Settings ->DTP Data.
Separator - Specify the data or column separator that is used in your import file.
Text Qualifier - Text qualifier that is used in your import file
Headers in Row - in what line the headers are listed (usually this is the first line).Settings - Product, Inventory or Category
File Type Product:
Import Template - Chose your Product import template
Wichtig: The import of product- and inventory data should have been at least performed 1x manually (under Datapool ->Data Import). Only then a (necessary) import template can be assigned. Does your selected template not suit the file type, the column mapping is incorrect and your cronjob aborts or does not start.
Data sets even without an own ID - If your import file contains records without unique ID, please select this option. By default, only records with unique ID will be imported.
Remove formatting from the text! - All formatting (e.g. HTML tags) will be removed when importing the data.
If UPDATE: Ignore missing columns! - If you want to update only certain 'fields' of your Datapool, this option should be enabled. Then create an import file with only the relevant columns that you need to update your DATAPOOL.
Your Datapool contains 20 fields with different values, but you only want to update the field TITLE and EAN, e.g. because you have changed some product title, the EAN is your ID and the records need to be updated now. Then highlight the option here and import a file with only the columns EAN and TITLE. EAN numbers are required because they are the unique ID, so that a correct assignment of the changed titles to your data records can be done.
Use categories from import file - If your import file contains product categories, these can be adopted as internal categories into the data pool.
File Type Inventory:
Import Template - Chose your Inventory import template
Set all stock levels to "0" before import - When checked, all stocks are deleted from the data pool and reset to 0 before importing.XML settings
XML-element with product data - Enter the XML element of the actual product data.
Time settings
Time - Select the times at which your Cronjob should run.
Days - Select the times at which your Cronjob should run.
Several times or days mark/clear with Ctrl + left mouse button.
Important: To ensure your time settings are saved, an import template must be selected!
Do not forget to save your settings!
Converter (convert)
With the converter, you can change your CSV-data into predetermined, finished CSV formats for JTL-Wawi, Rakuten, 1 & 1 shop, Yatego, and other systems.
Data file conversion (max. 30MB)
Variant A/B - Files from either the local host (A) or via a link from the Internet (B) can be imported.
XML-data - Mark it, if this is an XML file.
Template - If you have already created templates, you can select one here.
After your file has been imported from the system, a new window appears ...After the file has been imported
At the top you can assign the properties for the file that will be converted. You also see the file name and the number of imported records there.
Column separator: column separator specify
Text Qualifier: enter text qualifier (if used)
Column header row: specify the row in which the headers (column names) are found (it's not always the first line)
Converting to file for: In what file format shall the data be converted?
Column mapping Template: Please note that a selected template must match the file format you want to convert your data to.
Then press the [Update] button for a current view in the 'columns mapping' area.Column mapping
Map here the values from your file to the respective columns of the file which you selected above.Save the template
As an option, you can save your selections as a new template. Please, choose a descriptive name - for example, 'KONVERTER-Template Yatego'.
Compare Files (diff)
Compare records of different files.
Compare 2 files
When you compare 2 CSV or TXT files, records with different data are displayed.
This can be useful to e.g. find those records that have changed within a certain period in a file.Files have been loaded
After you have loaded both files a new window will appear with further options for the columns of the files. Here you can now make further adjustments. By clicking the button below, you can start the comparison immediately. The result is displayed on the next page.