Attention! Package prices change from 04.01.2019

Please, pay close attention to the following information.

Starting from Friday, 4 January 2019, we will make adjustments to the structure and prices of our use packages. We hereby inform you about these planned changes.

Packages' new structure and prices*, starting from 04.01.2019
- Free 0.00 EUR - up to 100 products, Support: Forum, Wiki.
- Starter 19.90 EUR - up to 10.000 products, incl. Ticket service
- Advanced 29.90 EUR - up to 20.000 products, incl. Ticket service
- Business 49,90 EUR - up to 50,000 products, incl. Ticket service
- Premium 69,90 EUR without product limitation, incl. Ticket service

From when and to whom do the new rates apply?
Already registered users can prolong their current package(s) before 03.01.2019 at the latest, for a maximum of 6 months, at the old price. This leaves enough time for individual adjustments (such as reducing the amount of records).
For all newly registered users on or after the 04.01.2019, the package prices announced on this date apply.

Why are the prices changing at all?
Our current package prices have been unchanged now for many years. During this time however, we have always released new interfaces on, with many helpful and more sophisticated additional functions, for you to use. Currently there are about 30 different connecting interfaces available, to marketplaces such as eBay and Amazon, but also to many well-known shop systems. This requires more support for our customers and more maintenance for our systems from our programmers and technicians - besides the on-going further development of our services. Due to the greatly increased demand, we can no longer guarantee quality and further development of these services for the future, without an adjustment of the package prices.

What can you as a customer expect after the changeover?
Of course, we will continue to offer you competent help and fast response times via our individual account ticket service even after the adjustment. This is included - as usual - in each chargeable use package. Depending on the urgency of a ticket, we can then in exceptional cases also help you on weekends.

What do you have to do, if you do not want to renew your current use package?
If, due to our price adjustment, you no longer wish to prolong your current use package, you do not have to do anything. Your booked package will continue until the end of the paid period. After that, your account status will be downgraded to the 'FREE' package. In this case all settings made by you are kept. A separate cancellation is not necessary.

How can a user account (including all data) get completely deleted?
To do this, go to My Account -> Base Settings -> Personal Information and click on the button [Delete account + data completely?].

* All prices are per month, including VAT.